Truth Come Forth

Psalm 85:11 says, “Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven.”

A very important part of dry-land wheat farming that costs nothing and takes very little time, is when the farmer goes out to the newly seeded field, kneels down in the dirt, and with two fingers carefully brushes the dirt in the furrow away from the seed. This exposes the truth about what is really happening with the seed down in the soil. It tells if the seed truly got in the moist dirt under the blanket of summer fallow. Within a few days of planting, the seed is actually broken and the tiny sprout is poking out. In another few days, the root is shooting out from the bottom of the seed. In about a week, the little sprout is pushing out of the soil into the sunlight. This is if everything goes right. If the seed did not get planted in the moisture, it will still just be a seed. The good farmer wants to know as soon as possible what is going on. He is looking for a “good stand.” The sooner he knows the truth, the better. He will then still have time to reseed weak areas, or sometimes the whole field.

When it comes to the condition of our soul, it is always important to know the truth. The sooner the better—while there is still time to do something about it. The devil always wants to hide the truth. Sometimes we will hide the truth until proven guilty, beyond a shadow of doubt, by a court of law. If we could only realize that God knows the truth all along. He is willing to kneel down in the dirt with us, take a good look, and help us make the right decision concerning our soul.

Psalm 85:11 is a wonderful prophecy of the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus spoke of this process concerning His own death. John 12:24 says, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.” 

The truth is, death must come before resurrection. The cross was absolutely necessary for the Abundant Life that would spring forth in three days. Through this process, the Father (righteousness) would look down from heaven. In just three days, the kernel of wheat—Jesus—being well-planted, broke the old shell of an earthly body, and sprang forth with His glorified body. It’s just the way it works! It will work for us too. If we are buried with Christ, we will rise with Christ (Romans 6:3&4). This is all truth, and we know it. The problem is that Satan tries to scare us with the death card. What a liar! First he tells Eve, “Ye shall not surely die.” Now he tells us to enjoy our sinful nature and not to die with Christ. Christ did not come to destroy truth. He did not come to destroy the law. Grace doesn’t ignore sin; it looks at it and dies for it. Psalm 85:9&10, the two preceding verses, help to clear this up, “Surely his salvation is nigh them that fear him; that glory may dwell in our land. Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.” 

Jesus is mercy and truth. How often we want mercy without looking at truth. We sing of the mercies of the Lord. Mercy cannot come by itself—it must meet with truth. We ought to be singing of the truth of the Lord also. 

One fall as I was seeding, the chain came off of one of the drills. Dust was blowing too, so I could not see the problem. After crossing the one-mile field and coming halfway back, I realized the drill was not seeding. I told the boss and he said to let it go. Next year in harvest those skips were full of weeds. How embarrassing. Don’t hide it; let truth come forth!

3 thoughts on “Truth Come Forth”

  1. A very good illustration Larry. Very appropriate, especially during this Easter season.
    Once I was like the aforementioned seed drill with a broken chain. Preoccupation with the things of this world, misplaced priorities, and rebellion caused the dust that prevented me from seeing my broken condition. Ignoring Jesus knocking on my heart’s door and his Word; (He said, “Apart from Me, you can do nothing.” ) I was reaping what I was sowing – weeds in the form of struggles, stress and feelings of guilt that did not have to be.
    Then I came to a realization of the truth. I opened my heart’s door and let Jesus in. I told Him I know I am a sinner, and believed He loved me so much that He paid the debt I incurred, that I was not qualified to pay, because of my sin. I thanked Him for paying that debt by dying on the cross. I told Him I believed He rose from the dead, defeating death, hell and the grave. I accepted His free gift of eternal life by faith and His marvelous, infinite, matchless grace, freely bestowed on all who
    believe. So, I have symbolically pulled up the weeds, sow good seed on good soil to bear good fruit by staying connected to the one true perfect vine, Jesus Christ.
    Do I still have struggles, scars, stress and feelings of guilt? Yes, but I lay them at the cross of Jesus, He gives me the assurance of forgiveness, salvation and peace of mind and heart that surpasses understanding. When the devil reminds me of my past sins, I remember and declare the truth of the famous hymn, ” My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought, my sin, not in part but the whole, is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, oh my soul.” It is indeed well with my soul.

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